Sharon - Awake and Dreaming

"Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius" -Marilyn Monroe

U is for underground.


What to do there: Spend some time on the Underground, or Subway, or Metro and focus on the people and situations you notice. Find evidence for the following: discovery, delight, amusement, envy, ambition, solidarity, longing, loss, vulnerability, anxiety, isolation. This could work just as well on a train, a bus, a ferry or a plane. Why it’s good for you: Teaches you to go out into the world as a writer with a mission. Gets you to look for stories in the faces and actions of people outside your familiar world. U is also for: University Campus.


Sometimes I take public transit. I travel long distances and try to avoid taking my phone to avoid distractions and be fully aware of my surroundings. Quite often I observe the people and the scenarios around me just out of curiosity. I have noticed that people do not make eye contact and are listening to music, on their phones or reading a book. Most times the only people who are actually talking are older people who talk with each other or start conversations with other people. Especially children who seem so little who go on public transit, seem like everyone else is cowered above them. Adult’s legs seem like bridges and through the window outside, the scenery seems like mountains to them. I see busy business people who are late for work and run as fast as they can to catch the bus. When they finally reach the bus though, they are usually quite jittery so they stand up and do some sort of repetitive anxious movement like tapping their toes or dangling their keys back and forth.

The young students in high school or post secondary education are usually with other people and are never alone and chatting. The most popular topics I find they talk about the most is school, latest news in pop culture, and family life. When these young kids are alone, they are very quiet and reserved. They usually have headphones in and are on their phones. Rush hour and big carnivals or festivals is where the transit is packed. I find when there is a bigger crowd there can be different emotions like tension, stress, excitement, but people also feel very anxious and claustrophobic with too many people around them.

I also notice that some people are very uncomfortable with other people. For example one man (who I think was homeless) had a very messy appearance with knotty hair, stained and ripped clothes, and shoes that were so worn out it was useless. Then another well put together man with sleek groomed hair, a suit and tie, and professional black shoes. The put together man came to the other man and sat down next to him, then the homeless man was very uncomfortable of the mans presence next to him. I think maybe he felt judged because he thought the put together man was judging his appearance. I could tell he was feeling self conscious. And other times people are just plain uncomfortable sitting next to other people because they are OCD or just want the seat to themselves.

Travelling in any way is a very good experience to see people in all different walks of life. You can observe how people from different ages react or act to situations. It can sometimes be eye opening to see a variety of people and experiences in all one place with different stories and backgrounds.
















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